It’s only human, I guess, to prefer safety to risk. Moving in herds is built into our animal instincts. It’s easier to get in line than to be constantly analyzing situations. And that is what is happening in our global society today. A few “experts” tell us to lock down because the risk of death is so great, and uncritically we lock down. The experts tell us to put on masks even though an elementary analysis would show that the harm done outweighs the benefits for most people. But we all put on masks, even when they don’t tell us to do so. Our shadowy experts tell us that we will die or kill others unless we take a vaccine, and we just do it. We get in line. We don’t think for ourselves.
Not thinking for ourselves works in a loving family. Trusting the experts works when you are surrounded by people who love you. But the people making our laws and developing our technology are so far removed from us, and so far removed from an anthropology that respects the human individual, that we have to start thinking for ourselves again.