Some say the biopic on Thomas More, A Man for All Seasons (1966), is one of the best movies ever made. The title is apt: Thomas More, and John Fisher, did not change with the seasons. They lived according to perennial truths, and so were men for every political and cultural season. While political power swung crazily back and forth during King Henry VIII’s time, these men rode storms out with composure, including the storm of their own execution. It’s that serene fidelity, that rocklike confidence, that attracts us, especially in our own time of violent political swings from left to right and right to left.
Catholics leadership in this country has named June 22 to June 29 “Religious Freedom Week.” June 29 is the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, also executed by a dictatorial state (under the Emperor Nero). Tonight in San Francisco the Archdiocese is sponsoring two speakers on Parental Rights, at Mater Dolorosa Church in South San Francisco, at 7pm. A bill in the California Assembly would take children from parents who do not agree with gender ideology. The talk would be worth attending, because we need to know what we are up against. But above all, we must look to the witness of the martyrs to keep our serenity, now matter what happens.