We cast our palms before His glorious entrance into the Holy City, represented by the priest advancing up the aisle to the altar, and we take those palms home to place on our walls for the rest of the year.
Is Holy Week, just a myth—the most powerful myth in world history, but nonetheless just a legend? So declares secularist atheism.
We must realize that our society has been soaking in secularist atheism for fifty years. We are just about pickled in disbelief. In 1991, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict pointed out a consequence of the growing atheist mentality of our time. It is the historically unprecedented problem of drug abuse. Most teens use some form of illegal drugs on a weekly basis—this has never happened in world history. But what about adults? Stop to think that many people you know are addicted to legal drugs: Vicodin, Ambien, alcohol, marijuana. Why has the world become so unbearable to contemporary man?
No one can peacefully face the specter of a world without God, a world where nobody really knows me or cares about me. We cannot face a world where suffering has no meaning, where we cannot “offer it up” because there is no one to offer it up to. We must find some way of escaping such a world. Such was the sad fate, apparently, of Whitney Houston. The real problem, however, is not “drug abuse;” it is atheism. If God does not exist, our existence has no meaning either.
The solution? Maintain a robust belief in God, and practice that belief. Don’t be a fool—admit that someone greater than you governs the world, and all will be well in the end. Things have a way of working out, because Someone up there is governing the universe. Let us throw our palms before Him this Sunday, and persevere in practicing that faith throughout the year.