But not to worry: even if “they” are watching you, “He” is watching you too. Someone recently gave me a lovely song by Audrey Assad called “Sparrow:”
Why should I be troubled
When His tender word I hear
Know I rest on His goodness
In my doubt and in my fear…
I sing because He loves me,
I sing because I'm free
For His eye is on the sparrow…
And I know He's watching me.
Why is it that we are “troubled” when someone else watches me, but I’m “free” when He watches me? If someone looks at me with love, then I want him to watch me. It’s not the “watching” that disturbs us, but the watching without love. “Not a sparrow falls to the ground without your heavenly Father’s knowledge,” Jesus assured us. “Do not be afraid: You are worth more than a whole flock of sparrows.” I’ve always loved Jesus’ humor: He chortles and calms our anxiety with a little smile. “You are really important to me—I would say more precious than even a hundred of those pesky birds!” He likes birds (who doesn’t?), but how can he describe his infinite love for his beloved children?
“They” might be watching me, but my heavenly Father is watching over me. He watches me with love, and they watch me with envy. He watches to keep me from stumbling, and they, the accusers, watch in order to catch me stumbling. So are we happy, and are we free, even though someone is peering at us 300 times a day? Yes, we are happy, and we are free, because He too is watching over me, and over the watchers themselves. His love casts out fear. God is bigger than your surveillance technology. So let the cameras roll. What have we to fear if we live by the law of God? I’d rather not have the cameras, but if we can’t stop them, we might as well stop worrying. “They are happy,” said the verse at daytime prayer today, “who live by the law of God.” They are happy who know that “He’s watching over me.”