| Last month I spoke with a Planned Parenthood “escort” as I passed by on the sidewalk. “Do you mind if I ask you a simple question?” He said sure. I asked him “Can you tell me what’s in a mother’s womb?” He said that he could not talk about it. “I’m sorry you can’t answer that question, but please think about it.” He looked agitated but said “have a nice day.” Why can’t we answer that question? The Japanese, I’m told, do answer it. They say quite simply that a baby is in a pregnant mother’s womb—how else would she be pregnant? The Japanese |

We Americans, however, go to such lengths to deny the humanity of the fetus because our society was built on the Christian principle of human rights. Before Christ, the very concept of a “person” did not exist. For every citizen in Rome there were four slaves, with no humanity and no rights. The rule of law, the rights of individuals, the sanctity of human life—all of these are Christian contributions. Japanese culture, on the other hand, can justify the killing of an innocent human being under certain circumstances (eg, Kamakazi suicides, ritual killings, etc). So we Americans devise elaborate semantics to deny what is scientifically incontrovertible: a human fetus is human. We cannot stomach the direct killing of innocent human beings, so we push the thought away from us. But if anyone has the courage to look steadily at reality, we Catholic Christians are those people. The fact that the fetus is human means that our government is promoting the mass killing of a whole class of our race. Think about that when you go to the polls next Tuesday.
[The YouTube video embedded in this post can be found here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=881aDDE5qFY]