Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi declares that since most Catholic women use contraception, the Church should promote contraception. That doesn’t make sense. It would be like saying that because most college students cheat on exams, universities should promote cheating. Rep. Pelosi also falsely states that the Church (her Church, by the way) seeks to deny contraception to Americans. Also not true. Actually, what the Church seeks is simply to avoid being forced to purchase something that is gravely harmful to her employees.
The presidential administration insists that contraception is necessary health care for all Americans. But the only reason contraception would be necessary healthcare is if fertility were a disease. But fertility is the normal, healthy state of any organism. Infertility is the disorder that needs to be treated. Certainly we have to plan our families, but simply throwing artificial contraceptives at folks is hardly effective family planning. Contraceptives harm women, on a number of levels.
Contraception harms a woman’s body. In 2005, the World Health Organization declared the hormonal contraceptive a Class One Carcinogen. Is this “healthcare?” Our President would force employers to distribute artificial, cancer-causing drugs to their employees, while more effective, natural methods are available. Last year, the contraceptive companies sold $15 billion of their product and got lots of free advertising from the government. Follow the money trail to the proposed legislation…
Contraception causes immense social damage. If contraceptives are so good for society, why has family life deteriorated with their increased use? 50% of couples who contracept end up divorcing; more than half of Americans are not even getting married anymore. But only 4% of couples using natural family planning end in divorce. Is contraception good or bad for us? Most of us, as Nancy Pelosi correctly states, are dependent on contraception. But we can, and must, break the dependency. We must regain true health.