It’s possible because clever people have learned how to sell us products without us knowing it. Almost all the revenue Google generates is from advertising. But as most of us pay no attention to internet ads, how does Google make their billions in profits every year?
Maybe there are products that I buy without knowing I’m buying them. One of those products might be … the Covid vaccine. If I pay taxes, I’ve bought this product. My taxes went up sharply this year, so maybe I bought a lot of Covid vaccines without knowing it. After all, the government offers them “for free,” meaning of course that Joe Taxpayer provides them.
If I’m buying Covid vaccines, I suppose I have a right to ask how effective they are. The government and the drug companies have all sorts of studies showing how marvelous the vaccines are at preventing Covid. But why would I trust government or drug company studies, given that both sell the vaccine? It’s been a year since the vaccines have been out, along with massive ad campaigns to get people to take them, but everyone seems to be still getting Covid. In the house where I live, three of us got Covid in January, but only the vaccinated person suffered serious symptoms. Many of my friends and acquaintances tell me the same story about their households. In any case, if the vaccines were effective, Covid rates would be going down, but they are not (at least the internet tells us they are not going down).
How is it possible that such a poor product receives unlimited free advertising from the world’s largest ad firms? Why are corporations and governments forcing their employees to buy a product with such abysmal performance?
May I suggest an answer, at the risk of being censored? It’s because the drug companies, and their internet advertisers, don’t want us to be entirely healthy. If we were all healthy, Pfizer and Google would lose a lot of business. It’s much more lucrative to keep everyone just a little sick, and afraid of getting sick, so we will remain dependent on their products. “I’m quadruple vaccinated and can’t wait for the next booster” is money to the ears of those who produce and market vaccines. And every time Facebook censors a doctor who questions the vaccines, or promotes a doctor who pushes the vaccines, it is marketing these products.
The business of America is business, not health, I suppose. Everything we see on Google, I hate to tell you, is in some way an ad. Google doesn’t run its business for free. So, caveat emptor (you can look that up on Google if you don’t know what it means). Don’t believe everything you hear, and don’t believe anything you read on the internet without thinking it through most critically and carefully. Look around you, with your own eyes, rather than through the eyes of Google or YouTube, and you will be a better person.