A Blessed Jubilee
I haven’t posted a laptop for some time, engulfed as I was in my silver anniversary preparations. For those who could attend the Jubilee, I hope you found the Solemn High Mass as serenely beautiful as I did. Archbishop Cordileone and about 20 local priests assisted in choir. San Francisco seminarian Deacon Alvin Yu guided us about as Master of Ceremonies, and Canon Oliver Meney from St. Margaret Mary parish in Oakland lent us the beautiful red vestment set. Our parish seminarian Cameron Pollette served as subdeacon with Fr. Jeffrey Keyes as deacon. Many priests told me how prayerful they felt in the pure white sanctuary, watching God’s presence unfold through the sacred liturgy. Fr. Keyes preached a stirring sermon, and when he spoke the name of Jesus, would carefully remove the biretta from his head, keeping it bare for some moments. He would gently replace it, after asking permission, as it were, to cover his head in the presence of the Savior. Holy Communion took a long time, with many hundreds receiving, and at one point whole convents of Missionaries of Charity were seen approaching the altar.
Our sanctuary and altar gleamed with white stone tile and new Carrara marble just in time for the Mass, largely funded by jubilee gifts. We have received a bit over $30,000 in personal and parish gifts for this occasion, which will all go toward the sanctuary and chapel renovation. Both are being made ready for Perpetual Adoration—daytime in the church sanctuary, and nighttime in the chapel. Our sanctuary now radiates light, reflecting the purity of the Blessed Sacrament itself—as pristine as the souls of today’s saints, Maria Goretti and Alessandro, pure and strong and destined to live forever.
Many thanks to Archbishop Cordileone, to so many priests, and hundreds of laity, for participating. We’ll do it again in 2041!