Jayne Cunningham encouraging
people to join the Catholic Legislative
Network (March 2007).
What impresses me most about my duck friends is their family unity. They swim together, a tiny flotilla of family strength, and huddle close while on land. In nature, it is the family — composed of a father, a mother and children — that cradles life and sustains growth.
I often ride my bike to dispel stress and despondency. The aggressions of the anti-family movement cause me stress and despondency. Movies that mock spousal fidelity, politics that force gay “marriage” on us, a culture that thinks only of selfish satisfaction — these things depress me. How naturally refreshing, then, to see my duck family every day! How rational, how right, to see God’s natural law unfolding on the banks of the Briggsmore levy, uncorrupted by man’s sophisticated irrationality.
Let’s learn from the mallards. Let’s learn from their natural goodness. They glorify God as they follow the natural rhythms of the natural law.
On Wednesday, we celebrate our Nation’s Birthday. America was founded upon the Natural Law. To quote from the first line of our Declaration of Independence: we
are entitled to certain inalienable rights by the “Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.” What will you do to defend our nation from attacks — by selfish and/or lazy people — on our freedoms?
Faith plays an irreplaceable role in establishing and defending true freedom. What will you, a man or woman of faith, do to defend our freedoms?