waves good-bye in July 2000
Why am I leaving such a beautiful parish? A priest couldn’t ask for a more accommodating, well-ordered, and comfortable community. But we are not here for comfort, and I have become too attached. Perhaps many of us have become too attached, and we need to keep moving towards heaven. We are pilgrims, and have here no lasting city.
Besides, I think that the parish could use some fresh pastoral energy. For a while now, some indicators of parish growth — Mass attendance, numbers in the adoration chapel, offertory income, confessions, numbers of PSR families attending Mass, attendance at Bible studies, prayer groups, and catechism classes — seem to have tapered off. I myself am a bit worn out, jaded toward the Diocese, weary of conflict, and perhaps overly controlling. The Diocese has established term limits for a reason, and I think it’s time for a new pastor. We could all stand a bit of detachment from what has become too
comfortable — to seek the face of Christ with renewed purity and energy. It will certainly purify me, and I hope it will purify the parish as a whole. Let’s keep moving toward Him alone. Only Jesus can satisfy our hearts!