More Dogs than Children, Part II
There is a reason they call it “birth control.” It is an attempt to control human generation, to control our species at its very core, to control nature at its essential genesis. Mother Nature, and Nature’s God, however, will not be controlled, and we priests need to reassure our people that we can trust nature and nature’s God even with our sexual lives.
Zoltan Istvan writes in a Huffington Post article on “transhumanism: “In vitro fertilization, genetic engineering, and cytoplastic donation are changing the way we mate and build families…many babies in America will be designer children, with genetic traits, sex, and emotional tendencies picked out ahead of time… men will be able to give birth to children….” In China the new elite pay up to $250,000 to buy a child with their own DNA and choice of gender, which usually means a male, which means several female babies have to be thrown out before they get a little boy. Thus the wealthy convince themselves that they have “control,” at the expense of many other human their own children’s lives.
It’s an old story, and a sad story. But almost all the confusion about sexual and human identity began with our acceptance of birth “control” fifty years ago. Which means that we can reverse the trend, if we want to. We priests have a large part to play in this drama. Our nerve failed in 1968, but we can return to the contest in 2014. We can help correct the crazy tilt by correcting the very concept of “birth control.” We can teach that humans people are stewards, not owners, of their very lives, including their sexuality and fertility. It is not too late to teach this fundamental truth to our people.