Which is why I encourage you to attend, if possible, a Marriage and Family Conference sponsored by the Archdiocese of San Francisco and the California Association of Natural Family Planning (CANFP). Archbishop Cordileone, who is becoming an international spokesman on marriage, will deliver the keynote address (“Stewards of Our Bodies: Responsible Parenthood and the Spirituality of Stewardship”). He will also preach at the closing Mass of the Conference, which will be held August 21 and 22 at the Cathedral Center in San Francisco. I serve on the CANFP Board, along with Archbishop Cordileone, and many have been planning this conference for over a year. With last week’s Supreme Court decision, it turns out to be quite timely. Where do we go from here? What can we do to protect what remains of marriage and family life in America? How can we provide a nurturing culture for our children? I hope we can get some solid answers at this Conference.
For a full list of speakers and their topics, as well as registration information, please follow this link: https://www.canfp.org/education-events/statewide-conferences/2015-conference-aug-21-22. If you cannot attend but want to support this conference, please click the “donate” button on the bottom left of that page or consider sponsoring an ad in the program. I myself will be running about, listening to as many of the fine speakers as I can, and hope to see many of you there. Not only will this Conference afford us some excellent positive discussion about the future of marriage and family, but we will also show support for our dear Archbishop in his irreplaceable work.