The City in which St. Francis and St. Therese live now is not San Francisco. It has no need of sun or moon, writes St. John, for “the Lamb of God is its light.” The great feasts of October spur us on to That City. St. Therese opened the month yesterday, calling to us from heaven on October 1, followed by the Guardian Angels today. October gives us St. Francis (the patron of our city) and St. Bruno (after whom San Francisco’s southern mountain is named), St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II, the great mystics St. Teresa of Avila and St. Margaret Mary, the martyr bishop of Antioch St. Ignatius the martyr bishop of Paris St. Denis, the martyr missionaries John de Brebuf, Isaac Jogues and their companion North American Martyrs, St. Luke the Beloved Physician and St. John Capistrano (after whom my favorite Mission is named), along with other shining saints.