Tomorrow we will stand in front of San Francisco’s only remaining Planned Parenthood facility in support of defunding an unnatural practice. We witness to the goodness of nature, that it is unnatural to kill offspring in the womb. No other animal does this to their young, except perhaps by way of exception (which proves the rule).
Tomorrow we will no doubt have lots of opposition, and perhaps there will be more counterdemonstrators at Planned Parenthood than pro-lifers. As I have noticed in the Walk for Life, many who demonstrate against pro-life activities are homosexual activists. I have often wondered: What does abortion have to do with “gay rights?” And it occurred to me that both promote acts that force an unnatural human will on natural biological processes. No other members of the animal kingdom (except by way of exception, which proves the rule) engage in same-sex activity.
At the abortion clinic, just under the Planned Parenthood logo, is a little rainbow flag. Why does an abortion clinic identify with ‘gay’-rights? Well, both manifest a similar impulse, and a similar temptation—to manipulate nature, to force the natural world to do what it was not designed to do.
Soon after the human race invented the atom bomb, some suggested we use it as a super excavation tool—say, to create new harbors or deep mines or shipping canals by simply blowing massive holes in the earth. But we thought better of it. Violent or explosive acts often cause more damage than good. The better way is usually to work patiently with the planet’s environmental rhythms, respecting natural processes. Just because we have the technology to blow a hole in something does not mean that we should.
Why don’t we apply this respect for the environment to questions about the human person? After all, we are all part of nature’s fabric, governed by the same natural laws. Or do we think that, because we are clever, we are above nature’s laws?