After the day’s work yesterday, I sat in a large chair by the fire as El Nino’s storms blew over the city. Among my personal mail was a Christmas card from Mom and Dad. The envelope portrayed a faint rendering of the three kings, pointing to something in the distance. The card inside had the same image in full color, revealing that to which the Kings pointed: small figures of a woman on a donkey, led by a man with staff in hand. We get the impression that the woman was expecting a child. “May the Star brighten your life” the card read. My mother is forever apologizing for getting Christmas cards out late, but it arrived in my hands precisely on the Feast of Epiphany. Thanks Mom!
The importance of the Star revealed itself to me at Mass this morning, as I “re-celebrated” Epiphany. The Star is especially to the priests and people of a church named “Star of the Sea.” Our Lady is that Star, and we must imitate her as Stewards of the New Evangelization.” Anyone who is a member of any Catholic parish is given the capacity to shine like stars in the sky to a world that has never “heard” of Jesus Christ. San Francisco is full of brilliant young adults, young adults who do not necessarily reject Jesus or his Church, but who have so much else to do than go to a church. A Star filled the three Kings with joy. Can we be stars of joy to those we meet on the streets of our cities?