Spain, however, is losing its Christian culture, as are we. But I think we may be losing ours faster, especially in view of the imminent political reality. It is almost certain that the culture war will escalate against Christians in America, and in particular focused at faithful Catholics. We stand to lose a lot, but as Msgr. Pope points out, most of our leaders don't seem to be aware or to care. We will almost certainly lose our properties, but the real war is for our souls, and many are at risk, but who is mounting a defense? I'm walking through a country that suffered 700 years of Islamic occupation, but as Joseph Ratzinger has written, the greatest threat to Christendom is not Islam but secularism. Are the bishops, the priests, the lay leadership and the lay following aware of this? Are we planning a defense? Read Msgr. Pope's article, and do what you can through your parish and your spheres of influence to save what we can, but most importantly pray for our Church and for our country.