Why this tendency to be so absolutist? As with the glib use of the word “incredible” indicates a certain unconscious “unbelief” in our time, so the use of “absolutely” seems to manifest an unconscious absolutist mentality. Is it perhaps our nervous insecurity in a beneficent universe (born of unbelief) that vainly insists on knowing things “absolutely?” Is it perhaps our very doubt that demands “absolute” proofs. Doubting Thomas demanded to see with his eyes and touch with his hands because he could not trust the witness of his friends, nor believe in the power of God.
I think it would be humbler and more reasonable to restrain our demands for “absolute” control in life. So if someone asks you “Are you happy in your current position?” you might consider answering not “Absolutely” but something more reasonable, such as “I’m not perfectly happy, and I don’t know everything there is to know, but we are not in heaven yet.”