We felt a bit like barbarians as we limped into the city smelling like we hadn't taken a bath for several months. After a hot shower, however, followed by pitchers of refreshing sangria and platters of delightful tapas, we were in a much better position to appreciate the glories of the Lugo cathedral. Many of our young adults left the cafe early to make a holy hour before the 8pm Mass. We were greatly consoled to find the Blessed Sacrament exposed above the main altar, with nicely-padded kneelers and pews in front of Our Lord. The padded kneelers suggested that these locals were regulars at adoration, making themselves "comfortable" with our Lord for the long haul. In fact, as Ester in the sacristy told me before Mass, Perpetual Adoration began in Lugo and has been continuously exposed for well over 1000 years. When King Alfonso the Chaste passed through the city gates on his way to Santiago in the ninth century, he probably knelt before this altar to adore the exposed sacrament. So we also knelt before Our Divine Master, truly present, body, blood, soul and divinity, in the Lugo cathedral on our Way.
At my parish in San Francisco, we hope to establish perpetual adoration as well. What a grace it was to unexpectedly stumble upon the very cradle of perpetual adoration here in Lugo, and to kneel before Him, begging the grace to have continuous adoration also in our beloved San Francisco.