You won an election by promising us that we could have anything we wanted, as long as we found the money to pay for it. You told us that the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” (words we read as little children in the Declaration of Independence) do not apply anymore. You preside over a people that has enslaved herself to a dictatorship of relativism. Those who open fire at shopping malls and elementary schools simply dare anyone to impose a particular morality on them.
We can’t sell folks a culture of death and expect them not to kill. You have promised to keep abortion “safe and legal.” Your healthcare program pays for the destruction of innocent human lives. You can hardly expect people not kill children when the government pays for it under another name. If you cry over the deaths of twenty beautiful children, you should also cry over the deaths of thousands of beautiful children whose dismembered limbs are tossed into biohazard bags every day.
Our education system, our entertainment industry, and our government have trained these killers. How can we object to school shootings when we don’t object to movies, video games, and television soaked in blood lust? We’ve all been trained to do anything we can get away with, because there is no longer a God or a Natural Law. Forty public schools have been attacked since we threw God out of them, and each a cry of despair from someone who couldn’t face a world without the God of Nature and Nature’s Law.
Dear Mr. President, I don’t want to blame you more than the rest of us. We have all happily slid down this road. But you are presiding over us. No one more than you bears the responsibility to lead the way back to true freedom and dignity. We can’t have it both ways. Either we choose to respect every human life, with all the disciplined restraints that requires, or we choose a barbarian will to individual power, and its consequent culture of death. The choice couldn’t be more clear the day after the Connecticut massacre.