To prepare for the fortieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood announced it was changing its slogan of choice, namely, “pro-choice.” The behemoth of the abortion industry admitted that “a growing number of Americans … identify themselves as ‘pro-life.’” So they changed their advertising descriptor. But the pro-life folks have not changed their descriptor. We are always “pro-life,” and everyone knows it. The “pro-choice” argument is irrational and false, and everyone knows it.
My favorite pro-life sticker, which has graced my back bumper for 12 years, simply says “God is Pro-Life.” It assumes there is a God, but most [even pro-abortion] people believe in God. All life comes from God; God has come to give us life, and life in abundance; God gave his life so that we could have eternal life. Most people know this, and need only be reminded, consistently, that they are pro-life.
We will win the war against human life in the long run, because most people do believe in God. Planned Parenthood has no argument against the argument from God’s natural law. Their decision to ditch the “pro-choice” slogan admits a modicum of defeat. Let us give thanks to God that we are winning the war. We are winning it by long-term, patient, and consistent promotion of the pro-life message. See you at the Walk for Life!