The article showed a photograph of a beautiful young lady dressed in military camouflage smiling shyly into the camera. She had entered the Marines, and against traditional wisdom, had been trained to destroy life rather than to conceive and nurture it. When the vocal minority began promoting women in combat a few years ago, many objected that killing is not consistent with a woman’s nature. The intelligentsia, of course, laughed in their superior intelligence. Others pointed out, more practically, that putting females with males in close quarters would certainly disadvantage the females. Again, the elites scoffed, insisting that if a modern woman wants sex, she gets it, and if she doesn’t want it, she refuses it.
And so, the title of last week’s article, buried on page 13A: “Female Veterans: Sexual Trauma haunts 1 in 5.” They are getting raped, and they don’t want to talk about it. The solution to this explosion of military rape couldn’t be simpler (separate the women from the men), but it will escape the grasp of most policymakers. That’s because the elites didn’t read the memo on Original Sin. They insist that “I’m OK, You’re OK.” They blithely maintain that hawks will always treat doves with respect and dignity. They imagine that their petty “sexual revolution” has liberated man’s nature, which has remained bound to cruel lust these last 5000 years. Or perhaps, these policymakers know well what is in the heart of man, but wish to take advantage of the naïve.
And now to California schools’ co-ed bathrooms: the elites in California have recently exercised their power over another set of simple and innocent doves: schoolgirls and schoolboys. Governor Jerry Brown signed the law for all public schools, effective Jan 1. What do we expect will happen? Do we imagine that high school students, glutted with sexual stimulation from the time they could talk, will respect each other’s dignity? Do we think that 16-year-old public school students will modestly avert their eyes and their comments? What do we think will happen when an overweight and insecure girl squeezes into the stall behind the row of urinals on a crowded school day? What will happen, I wonder, when three beefy high school seniors declare they are “female” and demand entrance into the girls’ showers after a game?
What I expect is that in a few years, or a few months, we will see an article on page 13A of the local newspaper: “Teens Traumatized in School Bathrooms.” Who will be the loser? Governor Brown? I expect he has his own private bathroom in Sacramento.