Last Sunday somewhere between 400,000 and 800,000 French citizens filled the Champs de Mars near the Eiffel Tower. It was France's largest popular demonstration in thirty years. A police prefect described the atmosphere as "festive, calm, and family-oriented. The demonstrators carried banners showing a baby with the words "made in Maman + Papa." These million French insisted on what should be natural and obvious to a socialist government bent on forcing what is contrived and contorted. "We love homosexuals but a child must be born from a man and a woman, and the law must respect that," said comedienne Virginie Tellene. The "eldest daughter of the Church" has beautifully witnessed to the "laws of Nature and nature's God." Did the government take any notice of this "tidal wave" of her citizens, in the words of the Paris newspaper Le Figaro? Not a whit. With perfect insouciance, President Francois Hollande's administration simply said that no public demonstration could deter him from legalizing gay "marriage."

A key strategy in attaining that power is to eliminate society's most influential structure--the family. The government has only to promote infidelity, divorce, and now the irrelevance of the family in order to eliminate it. With the family removed, the government has cleared the way for its unlimited influence. The government becomes our "family," a mother and father to its subjects. Of course, this has been tried already, for example, in Soviet Russia.
Our French cousins, once again, are fighting tyranny. Unlike 1789, however, they are not revolting (!), but simply defending common sense, natural law, and their right to self-determination. The good people of France give us courage and joy. The people once led by St. Jean d'Arc are again relying on faith and reason to defeat error and irrationality. May God go with them!