“Imagine eating the sun—and imagine you could do it without perishing. What would happen? You would receive into your body the source of light and warmth.” With those words Peter Kwasniewski opens his new book on the Eucharist, The Holy Bread of Eternal Life.
Today we celebrate the first time a human being “ate the sun.” Her name was Mary, a poor girl from a village in an outlying Roman province. She ate the sun without being annihilated. She became the sun by receiving it into her body. It transformed her into light and warmth, radiating through her.
Today one billion of us on planet earth are Catholic, and a third of the planet’s population are Christian. It began with a poor girl eating the sun, and now we can all eat the sun and not be annihilated. We become light and warmth, radiating God’s glory. In half an hour I will begin the Mass for the Feast of the Annunciation. I will eat the Sun, and then give the Sun to the forty or fifty people at Mass. May it not annihilate us, but transform us into light and heat!