Day Three
Today Fr. Calloway gives us a longer reading, about 30 minutes’ worth. But the entire nation is now under a stay-at-home order until May 1st, which I take as providential: God has provided the time we need to make our 33 Day Preparation for St. Joseph’s Day. Did the President, or the Governor of California, know that we would be needing more reading time until May 1st? God provides.
Today’s reading gave much such joy, because Fr. Calloway shows how St. Joseph is truly my father. “Joseph is the only man that Jesus ever called father.” We all have a Heavenly Father (He alone is perfect, Blessed be He), and we all have a biological father (who did his best with what he was given). But in addition to these two fathers, we have a supernatural father, the same man Jesus called “father.” In his humanity, Jesus needed both a human mother and a human father. We know that Mary is our supernatural mother, but now we must know that Joseph is our supernatural father. “You must call Joseph your father,” Jesus told one of the saints, “for I have given him the title and goodness of a father.”