Joseph Most Just, Pray for us. In Scripture, St. Joseph is described in one simple word: “Just,” a just man. I think every man would like this inscribed on his tombstone: “A Just Man.” Every woman wants to share her life with a “just man.” But what does justice mean in a man?
Justice is simply rendering to God and our fellow men what is due to them. Fr. Calloway quotes St. Josemaria Escriva: “St. Joseph was an ordinary sort of man on whom God relied to do great things … a good and faithful servant.” One of my priest friends has a picture of his grandfather’s seven sons in his room. Every one of them is in uniform, and most served in World War II. Two wear US Navy uniforms, two served in the Army, one is a Marine, his dad was an airman, and his youngest uncle wears a Roman Collar. It is an inspiring picture of seven just men, who quietly did their duty, rendering due service to God and country. The picture above is of my own father's regiment, which served in the Pacific theatre from 1944-45.
In regards to Almighty God, justice requires that we render Him due worship. Fr. Calloway ends today’s reflection by pointing out how Sunday worship is the simple duty of every Christian. We should attend Mass faithfully, not because the preaching or the music or the fellowship pleases us, but because that is what we owe God. And … we should attend the Holy Mass in uniform, in our Sunday best.