Day Three
Yesterday we saw how Abraham became our “Father in Faith” when, “hoping against hope,” he offered his only son in sacrifice to God. He believed that God could even raise his son from the dead to keep his promised covenant. And that is just what happened: God raised his own Son from the dead. That Resurrection Day is the focal point of every one of these forty days of Lent.
Today, in Fr. Gaitley’s book, we contemplate our “Mother in Faith,” Mary. She offered her son in sacrifice even before she conceived Him! The Angel Gabriel asked her to sacrifice her motherhood and he told her that through her very virginity God would save the world. And Mary believed the Angel! She put her faith in God, for whom “nothing will be impossible.” She said Yes.
This morning I finished the reading in Fr. Gaitley’s book just as my wall clock pointed to 6am. So I rose to pray the Angelus, and how wonderful to enter into the mystery that I had just read about! When we say the Angelus, we make that same act of trusting faith that Mary did at the dawn of our era.
The Angelus is three scripture verses: the first (“the angel of the Lord declared unto Mary”) sets the stage; in the second (“be it done unto me according to your word”) we make the act of faith; in the third God accomplishes His salvation (“and the Word was made flesh”). Every time you pray the Angelus (6am, noon, and 6pm), the angel visits you, you make that perfect act of trust in God’s will, and God conceives His Son within you. So get in the habit of praying the Angelus, three times a day if you can, and you will become a mother or a father in faith.
Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. Help me to believe that with God nothing will be impossible.