In this decidedly anti-natalist culture, the Moeck family has forged ahead with God’s first commandment, “have as many children as fast as possible!” (AKA “be fruitful and multiply”). God commanded that of our first parents, not only because He loves children, but because he loves their parents, the best thing of which in their entire lives is to love and be loved by many offspring. We have been lied to, and not by God Almighty. “Someone” has been telling us fruitfulness is a failure, and babies are a blight. My own parents had six children, but the Moecks are set to surpass my venerable forebears. I can testify that we six sibs were ingredient in keeping Dad and Mom together, more or less happily, for 68 years. As difficult as marriage can be, we are better together. Nowhere are people more “together” than in the family, and especially in the large Catholic family. Thanks be to God, I can easily count fifteen other families in our parish who are defying the dictate that more than two children is “unsustainable” and “irresponsible.” Almost every woman I know who has had more than two children has been harassed, belittled, and pressured to sterilize herself by at least one attending physician and more than one friend or family member. God reward them for defying the naysayers! When friends would balk at my cousin’s seven beautiful children, she would line them up and ask “now you tell me: which one should I not have had?”