You may know of Bishop Athanasius Schneider, from the Diocese of St. Mary-Astana, Kazakhstan. Bishop Schneider’s parents were exiled from their native Germany to Kazakhstan by the Soviets, and while he speaks six or seven languages (including Kazakh, Russian, Italian, Portuguese and English), his mother tongue is German. In 2018 I gave him a ride from Monterey to San Francisco, and when I asked in what language he would like to pray the rosary, he replied without hesitation "auf Deutch!" You may have read his 2019 book Christus Vincit; last month he published Flee From Heresy about how the Church's doctrinal struggles of the 5th Century help us understand the current situation. Bishop Schneider is a fine and fearless theologian who knows a thing or two about living the faith under difficult circumstances.
His current book complements last year’s Credo: A Compendium of the Catholic Faith, and he will be speaking on both books at our parish on September 16. I will have his books for sale, and I’m sure he will be glad to sign one for you. If you are within driving distance, come and hear Bishop Schneider speak at Star of the Sea on Monday, September 16, at 5:30pm.